Akkar Brygge

The name is a protest against the 90's new industrialization in the fishing industry, where those who bought up and restructured fish farms along the coast of North Norway had their head office at Aker Brygge. 

Johan Kvalsvik bought Skrednes inside the hamna in Akkarfjord, Sørøya in 1915. There he built up a small trading post consisting of fish production facilities, general store, quays, telecommunications station, post office and the first windmill on the site. Johan was educated as a cabinetmaker and started as a fisherman at a young age. He started small by producing his fish himself. In time, he also started buying fish from others for production. He also had several shacks that he rented out to friends. In 1970, his son, Johannes Kvalsvik, took over the company. He ran it until his daughter, Ann-Kristin Kvalsvik, gradually took over from 1997. In 1998, the company was converted into the limited company Johan Kvalsvik AS.

    Akkar Brygge is located in the old general store at Johan Kvalsvik's fish farm.

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