Kokelv sjøsamisk museum

At Jáhkovuona mearrasámi musea/Kokelv sjøsamiske museum (A Costal Sámi museum) you can visit Nillagården – the Nilla farm, which is a genuine coastal Sámi smallholding with a new boathouse and one third of an old boathouse down by the shore. The farm was built during the rebuilding period after the Second World War.

The museum was founded in 1991 by Kokelv museumslag (Kokelv Museum Society) and Kvalsund kommune (Kvalsund Municipality).

You can experience

·      the housing and living conditions, with smallholding and fishing as a way of life;

·      the coastal Sámi culture in its natural milieu.


You will also find the rehabilitated Kokelv costume, reconstructed according to a coastal Sámi costume that was commonly used in Kokelv in the 1800s. It was rediscovered at the Norwegian Folk Museum in Oslo over 100 years later. Today the costume is once again in use in the area, however now as festivity wear.


Our museum has normal opening hours only in the summer season, from the middle of june til mid august. It is still possible to visit the museum ourside the summer season, but you have to contact the museum leader beforehand.

Our museum is open from Juni 14th-August 14th, and we welcome guests tuesday-sunday, 11am-5pm

    Kokelv sea sámi museum consist of a genuine sea sámi farm, with a house, barn and outhouse, and has a view of the beach where we have a new big boathouse and one third of an old boathouse.

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