Myrnes Gård

At Myrnes Gård you can enjoy yourself with sheep and lambs, ride horses, go treasure hunting on the shore, make jewelery from what you find - whether it's pieces of driftwood, fish bones, whale bones, reindeer antlers, stones and other exciting little things - and have a great time.

If you like to go for short walks in the local area, it's absolutely great to do it here. For those who like to fish from shore, there are many great opportunities for that.

In addition to a good mood, it's nice to have clothes that suit the season. And remember that in Finnmark you can experience all four seasons on one and the same day! Be prepared for sun, rain and snow from all directions, south winds, fog, storms and calms. Feel free to bring a small bag for some extra clothes and something to collect the treasures you find in.

    Myrnes Gård is located on the beautiful island of Seiland outside Hammerfest in Finnmark county.

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