Experience Seiland National Park

On Seiland you will find Europe's northernmost glaciers and a unique cultural landscape shaped by the fact that grass has been mowed for harvesting in uncultivated areas through the ages.

Although the landscape appears to be rugged wilderness, people have lived here since the Stone Age. Seiland has a rich Sea Sami history, and is summer grazing for reindeer.

The national park covers just over half of Seiland, and here you will find no open cabins or marked trails. The terrain is challenging, and hiking experience and good planning are required before you set out on a hike. In return, you will experience a very special place and will be left with memories for life.

What is a national park? The government says these are the tenderloins in Norwegian nature! These have been established for special areas where it is considered particularly important to safeguard important natural values by limiting human activities and development. A national park is the perfect place to enjoy Norwegian nature and history at its very best, relax and just enjoy yourself to death.


  • Location: Seiland
  • Type of activity: Adventures
  • Season: Winter, Summer
  • Capacity:
    Seiland Explore was established in 2005 by André Larsen and his wife Marilou who still own and manage the company.

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