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Visit Hammerfest

An Island Kingdom - Seiland, Sørøya, Rolvsøya and Ingøya

Writen by: Visit Hammerfest

In our region, we have several fantastically beautiful islands. Sørøya, Seiland, Rolvsøya and Ingøya are some of these - and we really recommend a trip here. All the places have beautiful scenery and several activities to offer. Sørøya is called "the green island in the north", half of Seiland is a national park and Rolvsøya has a fishing village located at 71 degrees north!



Ingøy is a pearl located at 71º N. The island was Finnmark's capital in the 16th century and is known for its resource-rich fishing banks and extreme nature experiences. The island is also known for the Fruholmen lighthouse, which was manned until 2006. The lighthouse is now automated, but can be visited by interested parties. The nature is exciting, fresh and beautiful with rich plant and bird life. Over 150 birds have been registered, of which 60 are nesting.


In the fishing village of Tufjord on Rolvsøya, you can try a slightly more glamorous way of camping - namely glamping! Sleep in a good bed in the old dry fish loft, enjoy something good to drink from the bar and not least - enjoy beautiful Rolvsøya! A trip to Stopparfjord and the white sandy beaches there is recommended.


Stopparfjord is the most popular destination on the island, and the trip there takes approx. 1 hour from the main road and is marked with a path and signs. This is an incredibly great trip that allows you to see the beautiful nature of Rolvsøya. Rolvsøya also has many other nice hiking trails that take you through fantastic untouched nature - see for more hikes and hiking information.


Do you dream of exploring a national park with little or no sign that anyone has been there before you? Seiland National Park is referred to as "Norway's least accessible national park." You can stumble upon two small glaciers, high mountains, rivers, some reindeer and lots of rare flowers. Seiland Explore offers a tour with a guide to the national park.



Sørøya is, ironically enough, in the very north of the country - far away. The nature, on the other hand, can be reminiscent of the hobbit country located on the South Island in New Zealand, with green meadows. Sørøya is Norway's fourth largest island and has a varied landscape, from white "southern beaches", to barren rock formations and cliffs, and cute fishing villages where you can "moillkose sæ". The people like to travel to Sørøya to walk in the mountains day in and day out, and some crazies even cross the entire length of the island! Even if it means days without mobile coverage! In other words, welcome to paradise!


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