Aurora and midnightsun glamping

Ranveig Thomassen Jon was born in the house they live in now. She is a seaman and has a lot of knowledge about Kokelv and the surrounding area.

Frank Jon is the "mourner" who met Ranveig in high school in 1972. Today he runs tourism in Kokelv and with great enthusiasm will present the best from the area. In addition, they use local guides who have authentically good local knowledge of the area.

After several years of arranging their own team and social gatherings, they have now opened our doors for others to experience the same. Around the main house they have created a Sea Sami-style gamma tune and an artic dome on top of the hill on the south side of the property. On the opposite side of the river is the large and modern family cabin, which is also used for large events. 

It will be a different experience to come to us. The place is surrounded by river, fjord and mountains, while it is only a few minutes to the local convenience store in the village by the fjord. Each unit on the property can be rented privately or in its entirety for larger gatherings such as family celebrations and corporate gatherings. 

    Ranveig and Frank Jon are hosts to guests staying at the luxury cottage and in the arctic dome. The history of Aurora and midnightsun glamping started about 15 years ago.

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