City Walk with The Museum of Reconstruction

During the city walk, we will observe the architecture and visit selected locations, comparing how they are now to how they were before.

The city walk is equally accessible with or without a wheelchair. Dress according to the weather.

During the museum's opening hours: kr. 900,- + entrance fees (NOK 50,- per person)

After opening hours, weekdays: kr. 1.400,- + entrance tickets

Weekend: kr. 2.500,- + entrance tickets

School classes and kindergartens: free


  • Location: Hammerfest
  • Type of activity: Activities
  • Season: Winter, Summer
  • Capacity: 20 max
    The building The Reconstruction Museum contains: The main exhibition that tells the story of WW2 in Finnmark and North Troms with subsequent reconstruction, World Heritage Center of the Struve Meridian Arc and temporary exhibitions. Fuglenesodden open-air museum is located at Skansen 3.

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