Sami Booking

Founded by a proud Sami reindeer owner from a family that has worked with reindeer herding in Hammerfest for several generations, Sami Booking represents the authentic Sami culture and lifestyle. We are proud to share our rich cultural heritage with the world through Sami Booking, a unique platform that provides visitors with an in-depth, engaging and respectful experience of Sami culture.

Our camp, home to six domesticated reindeer, provides a unique and unforgettable experience, offering a deep insight into reindeer herding culture. At Sami Booking, we are carriers of our ancestral heritage and proudly share our Sami cultural heritage with all our visitors. We are dedicated to providing an unforgettable and authentic experience that reflects the true soul of Sami culture. We are Sami Booking – your gateway to the Sami world.

    Sami Booking is a distinct travel operator company rooted in traditional Sami life and reindeer herding.

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